We set off, [struggling to keep up at times because Tully, the horse at the front is an x- eventer or something, so his walk is the equivalent to Laddie and Barney's trot.]
Barney is absolutely lovely to ride. He's pretty much the 'perfect' pony, he's adorable.

So all was going well until we had a canter up a stretch of land, which was sort of sloping upwards, so I suppose ot was a sort of 'long' hill. Tully, being the fast horse he is, surged forwards. Barney was like, 'OH MY GOD!! WE'RE GOING REALLY REALLY FAST!!' and sort of threw his head in the air and extended his legs out to keep up. I don't think I have ever been so fast in my whole life... not even at Warwick on crazy pony, [Juanito]. We basically flew.
So we were cantering along fine. Until I saw Laddie do a small buck to the side, still galloping along. then he did it again, this time shoving his head between his legs. Then I just saw Alex going arse over tits and was like, 'Yeahh, she's a gonner.'
After that little event, our hack went rather smoothly!
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